Capacity Development Program under BeLISAC
From the onset of global pandemic and after its subsidence, video conferencing has become an integral part of our day-to-day life. Whether in official meetings or online learning, it has been proven to be a reliable platform of delivery and exchange of views and knowledge. Among all the video collaboration tools Zoom has been graded as a top-notch application, if not the champion of all. Through its unique architecture in allowing the deployment of multimedia routers and zone controllers on-premises, Zoom has been able to conduct meetings with the best quality of services and with flexible features.
In this regard NREN hosted the capacity development program under BeLISAC to train up their university and NREN engineers.

It is to be mentioned that under facilitating Distance Learning using Digital Conferencing facility [fDLuDCf] allocated by Asi@Connect installed Zoom Services in its Data Center and distributed 15,000 licenses among the faculty members of both public and private university. After the expiry of the said project a follow-up project is allocated by Asi@Connect with added features of delivery of servers and capacity development of network engineers and focusing on women empowerment. This capacity development program planned under BeLISAC project will focus on how to deploy, configure and manage Zoom MMRs and Zone Controller servers on open-source hypervisors like Proxmox virtual environment. The training will also highlight the security and monitoring of such servers and demonstrate the architecture and administration of Zoom and its users.
Training Objectives:
Proxmox Virtualization Environment
On-prem Zoom Deployment
User Administration

- Binita Kusum Dhamala - Nepal Research and Education Network
- Chatur Shakya - Packet Clearing House
- Niraj Acharya - Nepal Research and Education Network
- Nirajan Parajuli - Nepal Research and Education Network
The course was designed in such a way that the participants will use the concept of virtualization in their own universities. Proxmox Virtual Environemnt being open-source, it is available readily to the ICT professionals who can use their knowledge of Linux to adminster their own servers.
The participants also learned about the deployment and administration of Zoom which is crucial in their work places. Being university engineers, they have to assist and support the video conferencing needs of the university faculty and its students.
- Introduction to Virtualization Platforms
- Proxmox as a Virtualization Platform
- HAshicorp Packet Intro
- Vagrant Intro
- How Zoom Works – the unique architecture overview of Zoom
- Installation of Zone Controllers and MMRs in Proxmox Virtualization Environment
- Migration of MMRs and ZCs Within Clusters
- MMRs in Production
- Implementation of Recording Servers and VRCs
- Zoom services Administration and Monitoring

Indra Bahadur Oli - National Innovation Center, Nepal
Kiran Khanal - Kantipur City College
Madan Raj Upreti - Nepal Engineering College
Prabin Shakya - Prime College
Samir Bhattarai- Acme Engineering College
Shiva Ram Awal- Khwopa Engineering College
Sudarshan Bhandari- IT Innovation Center
Uchhohang Limbu- National Innovation Center
Monika Gautam- BeLISAC Intern
Prajina Shrestha- BeLISAC Intern
Shreejana B.C- BeLISAC Intern
Shrijana Adhikari- BeLISAC Intern
Sushma Tamang- BeLISAC Intern
Sita Maya Suwal- BeLISAC Intern

Awards and Certificates